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🔥 Canelo dominates Berlanga! Epic Mexico against Puerto Rico Recap De Choc – What’s the next for Canelo?

Join us live while we decompose the confrontation of the Mexican independence weekend between Canelo Álvarez and Edgar Berlanga! 🇲🇽🥊 We will dive deeply in Canelo’s dominant performance, will analyze the key moments of the fight and discuss what this victory means for its inheritance. Has Berlanga lived up to media threshing, where Canelo has proven once again why he is still the king of the medium weight division? In addition, we are going to talk about the next step for Canelo – he is finally confronted with David Benavidez, or another challenge on the horizon? Connect yourself and share your thoughts in the live cat! 🔴 Subscribe for more boxing and summary updates! #Caneloverlaga #boxingtalk #canelorecap #mexicovspuertorico #boxingnews

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