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Sasami Shares Her Favorite Tour Activity and Onstage Lucky Charm

Sasamis onstage lucky charm is her French horn, i called her Wilhelmina
Hannah Baker

Sausage is directed along the way to play their new album, Silver screenFor fans – this time she has a new tool in her arsenal.

“I am really excited because this is the first cycle of the album in which I go around with my French horn,” Sasami said at 34, said extremely many US WeeklyS “We’ve seen guitars, we’ve seen drums. It’s time to get some new tools. “

Thehe Songwriter is a classically trained musician, but the attendees will not hear any Mozart in her upcoming shows. Silver screen is her album so far, which came as a shock to the fans who got to know the sausage of the metal-inspiration from 2022. SqueezeS

“I just wanted to write from a place that is connected to me,” she said of her new songs. “It’s something you can do as a songwriter is to do something that makes you feel something or what you treat and just hope that other people can extract something from it.”

Silver screen has come out now. Continue reading for more than Sassami behind the scenes Secrets of Life:

Sasamis onstage lucky charm is her French horn, i called her Wilhelmina
Andrew Thomas Huang

Ritual before show

One of them definitely makes my makeup. It’s so funny because I will open up to yes, yes, yes, or haim, as a giant crowd, and I don’t get nervous at all, but sometimes I will really be at the last moment who will make my makeup and my fingers are shaking, they just try to fix the lipstick. Everything that is a kind of visual art is definitely more vulnerable to me. Singing and performance itself does not feel stressful at all, but sometimes putting on my makeup may be the most nervous part of the ritual before the show.

Ideal afterparts

My ideal afterparty would probably sit in a room that is completely lined in a bunch of Japanese meditation pillows and just lying there, drinking tea and listening to atmospheric music. You feel like an orange – the orange after it was juicy. That’s how you feel after the show. You’re still a little lavish, but in your bigger part it’s just cellulose.

Happy charm

At the moment, my French horn is definitely my luck. I decorated her with many lace and pearls, so she is something like the princess I take on stage and beyond. I called her Wilhelmina when I was in high school and I have no idea why. This is quite royal.

Sasamis onstage lucky charm is her French horn, i called her Wilhelmina

The Blood of the Silver Screen has already come out. Andrew Thomas Huang

Favorite Song for Live Game

It changed from night to night, but I had a lot of fun playing Slugger live when I was on tour in Texas, finding this other group. I invited volunteers to come and make a linear dance on stage, and it was really fun. [And] Because of the French horn, I am very excited about playing “nothing but a sad face”, which is one of the B-side in the record, but it has the French horn, so I am excited to take it out.

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Most hidden souvenirs

I’m really really in mycology and one of my favorite things [about] Traveling around the world and around the country goes with different mushrooms. My photos of all the different mushrooms I’ve seen all over the world are definitely my favorite guardian.

I remember a lot of picked up a lot Clitocybe nuda or NudaThey blown away, there are many names for them when I was on tour and we were in Maryland. We went on a hike and the next morning we were on the bus and the next morning we made a big breakfast with mushrooms. They are the only purple mushrooms and are therefore very, very recognizable. They smell like a minute maid frozen orange juice.

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Her loud tours experience

One time I was on a tour in Ireland, I don’t know why I was possessed to fuck IRN-BRU. Before the show, we stabbed Buckfast, and then while on stage, for some reason I was owned to fuck IR-BRU and I literally had to leave the stage during the show to use the bathroom very quickly. I was like, “I’ll fight.” It was a risky moment.

IRN-BRUS are not [alcoholic]But Buckfast is a fortified wine that monks in Ireland make. In some places it was illegal, but the ritual before the show was that we stabbed Buckfast, but then on stage I stabbed IR-BRU, which is like Irish soda. It’s kind of like their version of Mountain Dew or something. The perfect fucking is also European. I feel like this is a trainer that comes from Europe that Americans do now when we can leave behind.

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