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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
This is the sentence you never thought you had read – Tom Sandov He just appeared in the reality show and remained true everywhere. The show was Traitorsshot for a few weeks in a Scottish castle rather than the decade of his life documented on bravo VanderPump rulesBut the purchase arc, it is still counting. And even the people whose rage led to Sandoval was called the “most hated person in America” by The New York Times Last year, she had to rudely admit that they must be needed on the gut to continue to register for television concerts. The kick? Many of them were actually glad to see Sandoval back on their screens.
VanderPump rules Viewers were astonished in March 2023 – almost two years ago – when the fans beloved Ariana Madix found that Sandoval, her Nine -year -old boyfriendhad cheated on her for months with a friend and casting Rachel Raquel LevisS The betrayal of this betrayal was as intense that it became widely known as the scandal and reached places and people who usually do not reach … the White House correspondence dinner.
They all had an opinion about the scandal and none of it was good for the man in the center of it. As a support for the 39 -year -old Madix, she poured and excited work that was poured, her ex was shunned by friends, a target of hatred online and in a darker emotional place than he had ever imagined that she could reach. Schwartz and Sandy’s, the bar he opened with a friend and Kostar Tom Schwartz In November 2022 he was bombed with negative reviews and was eventually closed. Things with Levis did not do well, as the former queen of the 30 -year -old competition has ultimately blamed the 42 -year -old Sandov in manipulation and bombing love.
It would be understandable if all the experience had been so early Sandov that he disappeared from public life. Instead, he signed in the Fox Bootcamp racing series Special Forces: The most difficult test in the worldwho aired in the fall of 2023 and now, at two years old, his stay on the winning of Emmy on a peacock Traitors It is largely seen as a success. He fascinates the audience who praised him for hugging Play And to bring humor to the show, even sometimes involuntarily.
“I like Tom Sandoval a lot,” wrote a viewer on Reddit. “I know he has a lot of hatred … but I appreciate it at nominal value and I think he brings a lot of comedy to the show.” Other Praise him as “funny”, “Merry” and “The Best Part” of the series. The blogs of reality TV theoretize that it wins fans back; Colider I posted an article entitled “I really hate to say this, but Tom Sandoval is the star of the traitors Season 3.” His bonus Dylan Efron to say Cosmopolitan“[Tom’s] Such a unique person. Very, very low self -awareness, very high confidence. But I love he’s authentic. In a world where everyone is afraid to be themselves, he is Tom Sandoval. “
The truth is that Sandoval apologized, made the accounting and made an effort to change. When asked if he still regrets, he says US Weekly“Of course, I’m sorry. Many. “He is put into work to improve better (therapy, managed meditation) is In a committed relationship pattern Victoria Lee Robinson, 32 and feels as if it is enough to repent. “Whether people agree with me or not, that’s on them. But it was an extremely rude twist and I understand [where they are coming from]He says Sandoval, admitting that there are still days when internet trolls can fall under his skin. “I obviously want people to move on. Ariana continued, I went on, we all continue. “So, the world is finally ready to forgive him?
Why enter the traitors?
It looked so fun. There is a physical [and] Mental challenge, building relationships and trust with people. I was so excited to play the game.
Did you worry how the other competitors would react you?
I assumed that people would know who I was for me. Yes, I was worried.
How did you expect the public to react?
I knew I would get a lot of mixed reactions. [But] When I was shooting it, I realized that I was working very hard and contributed, so I would consider myself a strong player, at least as far as challenges were concerned.
Traitors is a game built on lies and fraud. Did you make you think about your past?
A little. I was adamant that I didn’t want to be a traitor. If [host] Alan [Cumming] He would choose me to be a traitor, I would leave.
We need to talk about the viral moment when you said that women were better fraudsters instead of traitors …
I was devoid of sleep, fighting the disease, and I didn’t even realize that I said it. I just came out and never wanted to hide and run so badly in my life.
Some of your castles were difficult for you. Do you feel that they were unfriendly to calm the public?
Definitely. I was not so liked as initially as [much as] I was in the short episodes, so there were people inclined in it. I felt like Krichel [Stause] I took the opportunity to drive those cocktails of the scandal to make these great fans of Ariana and fans of I Hate Tom Sandoval behind her. She goes, “You come after me because I’m friends with Ariana.” I’m like, “Girl, you took a picture with her six years ago on the red carpet, you follow her on Instagram.” [Laughs] She was also not the only person in the castle that followed Ariana.
Do you feel that reality stars are judged more group than others when it comes to dispute?
Of course. Your real life is played on television and because people are released in this part of your life, they feel as if they deserve to know everything at any time. It is much different than the musicians or actors, where they lead a much worse life.
How does she feel now that the public has seen another country from you?
She really feels great. I knew that what I wanted to say? [Laughs] [I knew] Being a more positive, funny, gaming environment would make people see me in a different light, because it is less to start drama and even more about the game and the funny fabrications that come with it and the camp of it all. VanderPump rules It is a much different environment and obviously it develops as we continued from season to season and our life has changed. Sometimes it was a very toxic environment.
Do you think the traitors have helped to put the scandal behind you?
That’s what I really want. Two years have passed; I want to continue from this and continue with my life.
Is it a relief that there can now be only about two people who still consider you the “most hated person in America”?
[Laughs] Two people. What do you mean, two people? [Laughs]
Well, are you happy that the public is moving away from this mood?
Yes, of course. I want to leave these things in the past. I’m sure there are still people who behave in this – I know there is – but hatred has died for sure. Whether they laugh with me [or] I laugh, at least they laugh and that’s what I love.
What do you think Ariana does that you earn goodness to the public?
I really didn’t think about it. But I’m sure because you know, she continued, [that] She actually doesn’t [many] Think about it.
Tom Sandov
Amanda Edwards/Getty ImagesYou both still own a home together. What is the status of selling this?
It was a process. It is definitely in the works and I look forward to continuing and close – as a truly complete closure – this chapter. In my life is closed but this is the only thing that is something like [still] there.
Do you think you will always be tied to the scandal?
I can’t predict the future, but I want to move on. Feel like Traitors He really helped people see me in different light. It was amazing and I am excited for people to see all the things I will do in the future and all of us collectively move on.
Have you learned to ignore online trolling or does it fall under your skin?
It depends on the day. My girlfriend Victoria gets many things that are unfair to her, which I feel really bad about. The only thing that is guilty is to love me. I wish people would leave her alone. Save it for me!
How is it going with Victoria?
I was extremely happy in [our] connection. We work very well, we have similar goals and we feel that we can really grow together. I feel so happy and lucky to have it in my life. She was my rock and crashed by me.
How to make sure she feels safe in your relationship?
I definitely understand, [given] My past that I have to work hard and do it. I’m not the same person I was before. I don’t do the same things I did before. It is important for her to feel safe and loved. I also calmed down when it came to going out. I don’t want to get into situations that, you know, don’t look appropriate. It is also difficult because people are trying to download s-, [so] I just avoid these situations completely.
What else do you do differently?
I have been to therapy and develop much better habits. I still do a very guided meditation and take a different direction in my life. We stay at home much more, which I love. I’m so much healthier. We work together, we go on hikes. My day of the day is so different than before.
Tom Sandoval and Victoria Lee Robinson
Rocky BatchelorVanderPump rules are a major overhaul with a new cast. Can we see you with some of your previous colleagues in the Spinof Valley?
Who knows? I have the feeling that the answer will be presented at this time and then I will make the best decision that fits me and where I am in my life. Or where Victoria and I are in our lives, because to go to such a show, which would inevitably include her. I really liked not to have to put my whole life there at any time and answer questions about everything I did. Like, oh, you have to talk about last night and that day, and what you ate for breakfast and what you have for lunch. It feels nice to have this privacy and we both really enjoyed it.
Could you say you are completely in the era of your redemption now?
I think this is a more public perception, but I enjoy my new chapter in life and what comes in the future.
If you could go back in time, would you do something different?
Of course. [Laughs] Everything.
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