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How to Build Habits that Stick

We all start with the best of intentions-whether he exercises regularly, eats healthier or gives priority to self-care. But let’s be real … can be new habits hard. Life gets busy, the motives fade, and before you know, you are back in the old designs.

Well, how do you create habits in fact; The key is not power – it is strategy. By creating yourself for success, you can create healthy routines that feel abusive and become part of your lifestyle.

Here’s how to make your own The habits forever!

1. Start small and be specific

One of the biggest mistakes people make Very big, very quickly. If your goal is to work daily, don’t start with a workout. Instead, at least commit 10 minutes a day– You can’t say something so easy. Once locked, build from there.

Example: Instead of saying, “I want to eat healthier”, they say, “I’ll add a portion of vegetables to my lunch every day.” Making your goals specific makes it easier to follow!


One of the easiest ways to build a new habit is Connect it with something you already do. This is called “habit stacking” and helps your new habit feel more natural.


  • Do you want to start the magazine? Do Immediately after brushing your teeth in the morning.
  • Do you want to drink more water? I have a glass Before your morning coffee.

The more effortless it feels, the more likely you are to stick with it!

3. Make it easy

If a habit feels complicated or overwhelming you will not stick it. Remove obstacles to make the easier choice.


  • Do you want to get involved in the morning? Take off your training clothes the night before.
  • Do you want to eat healthier? Snack So you always have good choices at hand.

Adjust yourself for success by doing the habit as Easy.

4. Watch your progress

There is something strong Seeing your progress– keeps you motivated! Watch on my own Moving application or at #Goals Planner.

Even if you lose one day, don’t let it derail you. The goal is not perfection – it is a consequence!

5. Focus on identity, not only in behavior

Instead of thinking only What You want to do, shift your mindset Who do you want to be. When you identify with your habit it becomes part of you.

Example: Instead of saying, “I try to deal”, they say, “I am someone who moves my body every day.” When you believe in your new identity, your actions will follow.

6. Reduce yourself (but not with what you avoid)

Positive reinforcement is the key! Celebrate your wins – big or small – to keep yourself motivated.

But here’s the trick: Do not reward yourself in a way that contradicts your habit.

Good reward: Bought a new yoga mat after sticking to a month of training.
Not so great reward: Days are cheated full of unhealthy foods and without training as “reward”.

Keep your rewards aligned with your goals!

7. Give yourself grace and continue

No one is perfect. You will lose days, and that is Well. What matters is that you Return quickly to the road Instead of abandoning completely.

Make the lifestyle!

Building habits that are not temporarily motivated – this is about Creating lifestyle that supports your goals. Starting small, making easy habits and monitoring progress, you can create constant change And you feel amazing while you do!

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