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Volkswagen’s own-brand currywurst sausage proves almost as popular as its cars amid automotive sales decline

It was captured at the most arduous crossroads in its history, the German company Volkswagen, which fell at Volkswagen, can take condolences in one segment of its commercial empire that continues to prosper: sausage.

Volkswagen profits 2024, Released on Tuesday3 % decrease in vehicle sales, along with a 30 % decrease in net profit. The increasing costs of the auto maker and the low demand for the group pushed up to 35,000 jobs by 2030 and closing the German factory in an attempt to circumvent its wealth.

However, the Volkswagen brand does not appear any signs of a similar decline.

VW Currywurst, which has been affiliated with the affection of the 1998 398 500 A, has served the company’s employees and local population around its headquarters in Wolfsburg since 1973.

At home by Volkswagen Work, Coriors is nourishing dozens of thousands of thousands of employees through its German factories. It can also be found at the Wolfsburg Football Stadium and in supermarkets around Germany.

The IG Metall Federation, which represents German workers in Volkswagen, confirmed that Volkswagen sold 8.552 million parts of Cariocr last year.

This is just less than 9 million cars, the entire Volkswagen group was sold last year. CurryWurst sales already dwarfs the Volkswagen brand itself, which amounted to 5.2 million cars last year.

The company sold 6.3 million from the original CurryWurst in 2024, of which one in ten was consumed by the company’s workers. Another 2.2 million people have been sold as a hot Caroret -bogged version by retail.

The group also managed to sell 42,000 units of a vegetable version of the beloved sausage.

“Volkswagen means innovation – on two, four other wheels and yes – also on the plate!” The Director of Human Resources at Volkswagen Gunnar Killian posted on LinkedIn on Monday.

“With the sale of more than 8 million original curry sausages from Volkswagen, we celebrate a new sales record. But we do not rest on our glories: Curry West’s coup that is already in business!”

The IG Metall Federation, which started with Volkswagen for several months last year to find a way out of the decline in the car maker, shed light on the importance of the growing humble sausage compared to its vehicles.

“For years so far, Volkswagen Cariocrat has sold more than vehicles bearing the Volkswagen logo – although this comparison, of course, is a matter of taste.

“There is one certain thing: with 8.6 million current units, VW’s CurryWurst sales do not outperform the sales of the basic passenger cars brand (2024: 4.8 million units), but they also approach the vehicle sales via the entire group brand.”

The group’s group production head promised more innovations for VW Currywurst, including an eating version that comes with another Volkswagen product, which is the number number 0000 ZDK-259-101, known for its most common name: Ketchup.

Volkswagen sold about 629,000 bottles of her VW’s label, as well as 25,000 buckets 10 liters. The company for The first time She distributed ketchup to customers in the United States last year, with the free Gewürz Ketchup brand flying to the car maker shelves.

This story was originally shown on

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