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Jalil Hackett suffers from an injury

Jalil Hackett (9-1, 7 KB) was about to avenge his December defeat against Jose Roman (14-1, 6 KB) this Saturday, March 15 at the Royal Caribe in Orlando, Florida. During yesterday’s press conference, he seemed ready and prepared to organize a spectacular performance.

Declaring that they would announce a new champion of the Welter weights of North America of WBA or as they say to Puerto Rico, “y el nuevo”, translating into “and the new”. It has the warrior mentality, where you make difficult fights to prove your value, you beat tough opponents and demonstrate your grandeur. He does not believe to build your CV with sweet opponents. He wanted nothing more than avenge his loss and continue his way.

However, after the press conference, he suffered from what can be described as a bizarre accident. While leaving the sauna, he slipped, injuring his right foot. “I got out of the sauna, you know how the sauna obtained two levels, so going down from one of the levels that I slipped and lost my type of foot. Instead of landing as flat on my foot, I landed on the ball of my ankle. My Sh * immediately swollen. “Said Jalil when he asked him about the injury.

He was visibly upset and disappointed that he was unable to fight this Saturday. He said he was planning to redo the revenge match with Jose Roman for this summer. Many fans were looking forward to the revenge match and the demand remains high. With a complete recovery, Jalil can make his promise and avenge her loss. Roman received a shared decision victory during the December match with two judges who marking him 96-94 for novel, and the third promoting Hackett 96-94. Hackett seemed to control the first laps by targeting the body, but seemed to slow down in the late laps in late.

Jalil asked for this fight despite other fights. “I did not have to take this fight, Matchroom did not first offer this fight, they first offered other fights. My team did not want this fight. I said I wanted this fight because it is the guy I just lost. This is something that I was more than anxious, more than ready. This is one of my best camps I have had, you know. It’s just a sorrow.

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