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Android is adding Auracast support, which allows hearing aids to connect to public audio broadcasts

Google announced On Thursday, Android Phones will soon support Auracast, a new Bluetooth technology that uses a telephone to enable a direct connection from hearing aids to audio programs in noisy environments.

With Auracast, compatible hearing aids and earphones can receive direct audio flows such as a PA system at a train station or an audio show at a concert. Google notes that hearing aid presets can be applied to these programs, which means that users can personalize streams for their hearing.

At the start, the function at Samsung Galaxy Phones with a UI 7 and Google Pixel 9 phones with the latest Android 16 Beta comes. The function works with compatible Le Audio hearing aids, including that of companies such as GN hearing and strong.

Google also announced that Pixel 9 devices can now establish a connection with programs via QR codes, which means that the needs of people have to be eliminated if they try to access public transmission.

The latest Android 16 Beta also offers a new function to accessibility, with which users can sketch text with low seeing to make reading easier. It also contains a local function for network protection (LNP), which according to Google “users gives more control over which apps can access devices in its local network.”

Android 16 is expected to start at some point in June.

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