Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Category Health and Fitness

Guide to the Mediterranean Diet: Benefits, Foods, and Lifestyle Habits

Υπάρχει ένας λόγος που παρέμεινε η μεσογειακή διατροφή μία από τις κορυφαίες δίαιτες χρόνο με το χρόνο. Είναι βιώσιμη, εφικτή και ρεαλιστική για τη μεγάλη απόσταση (1). Επιπλέον, είναι κάτι περισσότερο από μια δίαιτα. Είναι ένας τρόπος ζωής. Στην πραγματικότητα,…

Let’s Talk Skin & Gut Health

One thing I wish I knew before I started my health journey was how much my bowel health influenced my progress. More than two -thirds of Americans deal with chronic bowel problems such as gas, bloating and abdominal pain, but…

Spring Slim Down 2024 Winners

Our team is constantly impressed by the LSF community. All the women in this community worked their extremes and we are so proud of each of you! You all finished this 6 -week challenge so strong and your transformations, inside…

Summer Shape Up 2024

Summer is here which means it’s time to feel your best !! Become a member of our summer challenge To get it fits, to emphasize and feel confident! What is the summer challenge? Us Summer form It is a 6…

SSU 2024 Grand Prize Breakdown

Us Challenge It comes on July 8 and we have some incredible awards to help you keep you incentives throughout 6 weeks !! So let’s dive?) Prize LSF diet Beam Personal W/ Katie Training Session Charge Infrared blanket Beast Mini…

SSU Accountability Groups

You want to make the most of Challenge?! We firmly believe that accountability teams are a key factor in keeping you motivated throughout your exercise. With the summer shape up, we want to make sure we have all the tools…

Outdoor Workouts to Try During Summer

Summer is the perfect time to get your workouts out and get some vitamin D, girlfriend! You can get any of your Moving application The workouts outside, from your sweat to SESH to Daily 10 or try these suggestions! The…