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Haiti police attack the leader of the Barbecue gang in capital

The Government of Haiti says that the police have launched a large -scale operation in a city of shacks controlled by the powerful leader of Pandillas Jimmy Chérizier, widely known as barbecue.

The authorities say that several members of the gang have been killed in the lower area of ​​Delmas del Príncipe Port-Au Capital.

Local reports say that military drones are being used that transport explosives in the operation.

Prime Minister Alix Didier Fils-Aimé praised the assault. He said it was the work of a special working group created two days ago to address insecurity.

Chérizier, 47, is the feared leader of Viv Ansam (live together), a gang coalition that controls a large part of the city.

It is not clear if Kenya police officers were deployed in Haiti last year to help fight gangs are involved in the security operation.

Last week, A Kenya police officer, who was patrolling with the multinational security support mission led by Kenya, was killed in a confrontation with gang members.

Gang control in Port-Au Prince has led to an almost complete breakdown of the law and order, the collapse of health services and the appearance of a food security crisis.

More than 5,500 people died in violence related to gang in the Caribbean nation in 2024 and more than one million people have fled their homes.

The Presidential Council of Transition of Haiti, the body created to restore democratic order, has made little progress to organize long -standing elections.

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