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How to know if a trainer is legit.

If you have moved Instagram, YouTube or Tik Tok, you probably have seen tons of different fitness coaches and trainers, but how do you know if a trainer is legal?

Over the years I have attended hundreds of people start selling training and nutrition programs online with zero certifications, zero training experience real customers and without supervision.

It’s not just misleading, it’s dangerous.

Helping to guide someone’s training and diet is a huge responsibility and I don’t take it slightly.

So if you are dealing with me MOVE Or choose another plan here because you need to make sure it is with a certified personal trainer.

Why train with certified personal trainer?

A trainer certified through a national accredited program, such as NASM, must take intensive courses and tests that must be trained in:

  • Basic exercises science
  • Science of the human movement
  • Ratings
  • Program Design and model Optimum Performance Training (Opt)
  • Speed, agility and speed training
  • Optimal food practices
  • Interaction of Customer and Vocational Development

Like many professions, we are also obliged to complete a certain amount of continuous education to ensure that we remain informed in the latest techniques, research and training methods.

I personally completed over 20 different training specialties, including training before and after general training, flexibility, yoga and recently received a new certification as behavioral Change of expert from Noise.

Not all certifications are created equal.

Whether you are looking for a trainer or to certify yourself, make sure you find a program that is accredited nationally.

This is really the only way to make sure it is 100% legal and meets the highest training standards.

THE National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) It is one of the most respected and reliable companies and where I receive my certifications.

If you are looking to expand your knowledge or even become a trainer yourself, surely check them.

Use my password: LSF10 to get 10% by any course or program here.

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